Monday, January 9, 2012

Indoor Play area at David Citadel (Hotel at Jerusalem)

Sarit Shani is a toddler and kindergarten designer of planning a playing area for the kids. A visit to her studio reminds us of our childhood purely decorated with hues and rainbows. Her imagination is inspired by fairy tales as well as African art. Her projects are surrounded by enchanting elements and colourful accessories. Sarit Shani Hay launched her studio in 1995. Since then she has established a name for herself as a leading designer in her field. The studio offers total design services including interior design, to compliment furniture and accessories.

Kids bedroom

David Citadel is the latest and most luxurious hotels among Jerusalem. The citadel tower is a mater piece of the particular place. Featuring magnificent decor it displays a wide range of guest rooms. Unlike other hotels it has a grand and wonderful Disneyland like play area which is purely designed by this female designer. Her work represents enchanting display. The interior of the kid’s room is divided by clear blocks of primary colours. It comprises of angular and rounded form, open and intimate corners, soft and hard surfaces, comfy gyms. The variety of interior attracts children of all ages to participate and interests the children to play with the wooden toys , soft toys , geometric caves and computer play stations. In this decidedly modern playroom the traditional Jerusalem touch is brought by the addition of lion, the emblem of Jerusalem, a cave and a windmill. She made an attempt on different kind of materials and textures to achieve a new and handsome approach to develop a joy land for the children.

Kids bedroom

Kids windmill

Kids bedroom

game room

Kids bedroom

Kids bedroom

Kids bedroom

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