Friday, January 6, 2012


There are many types of lighting thatcan be used in various rooms of the home. 
Ambient light: A hidden source of light that washes a room with a glow. Itflattens an interior and creates very little shadow. A wall sconce is anexample of ambient lighting. 
Accent lighting: Directional lighting or lighting that adds interest orhighlights a certain object or unusual architectural feature in a room. Halogen spotlights and table lamps with opaque shades are goodways to achieve accent lighting.
Task lighting: Task lighting is just that; lighting that's used to performdaily activities such as reading, computer,cooking, shaving, putting on makeup, etc. Itneeds to be glare-free. 
Different banks of task light areuseful in the kitchen — near the stove and chopping areas are places for thistype of lighting. Task-lighting sources are never seen and any task lightshould have a reflective shield. Ambient lighting and task lighting go hand inhand. Pools of light created by several spots produce a lovely effect.
Aesthetic lighting: Lighting itself can be a work of art. A purely decorative lamp is an example of aesthetic lighting. A spotlightilluminating a statue on a pedestal or portrait on the wall is also artistic. 
Natural lighting: Sunlight, candlelight and firelight; this is light that moves andis sometimes referred to as kinetic. The quality of natural light, sunlight inparticular, depends on many things — time of day, weather, what season it is. 
There are many ways to light a room.And the room's function greatly determines the way it should be lit. Some examples:            If a room is too tall, use lowluminaries that let no light out the top to help shorten those high ceilings.
            If a room is too small, visually pushone wall open by washing it with light.
            If a room is too wide, illuminate thenarrow ends. Conversely, if a room is too narrow,
         illuminate the wide sides.   
         If a room is too tall, use low luminaries that let no light out the top to help shorten those high ceilings. 

Dark walls and floors reflect lesslight than light-colored ones. White walls reflect all light.
A balancing act is important in allrooms when it comes to light. Up lights, down lights and wall washers work welltogether. They make a good team in almost any room and if dimmers are addedthey can perform well in any atmosphere.
Here is an an array of options for illuminating your world:

Natural light with task lamps.

Recessed ceiling lights with dark wall.

Aesthetic lighting.

Task lighting & natural light; with recessed ceiling light for darker wall.

Very tall ceilings require additional light; but the tall windows give natural light.  
Ambient lighting to set an evening mood; with daylight from unobstructed windows.
White walls reflect light. 
This has it all: under counter lights, ceiling recessed lights, fireplace for ambience and natural light.

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 or contact me for a free consultation:

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