Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Updating your indoor stair railings can increase both the value of yourhome, and your enjoyment of it. Whether you like sleek and modern or classic and traditional, there are many ways to update your staircases design to betterreflect your style, and your home's personality.
Modern home staircasesdesigned today tend to be very sleek and straightforward, with clean lines. They use railing designs with clear glass sides,cables or horizontal tubing, but they all share one thing incommon, the appearance of more space. With the exception of spiral staircases, most of the focus is onhorizontal lines which elongate and designs that are more "see"through which enlarge the visual space and add more depth.
Most stair railing designs from the 1970's &80's that looked modern then, appear dated now. The most common one had closedin sheet rock half walls with a wood cap on top, making the space feel smaller,almost boxy. Replacing that half wall with see through stair railing designs, be it wood, metal or glass, can greatly increase the visual space in the room, making it appear much larger.
Stair railings are a major element in your room’sinterior design. 

Contrast wood is both modern and classic.

Wood and aluminum is sleek.
Traditional clean lines are always safe.

Modern clean lines with wood and aluminum.

Traditional yet modern.

Simplicity always works, especially with a pop of color.

Traditional elongated railing increases spacial perspective.

Glass replaces the old boxy half wall.

Then for a Mediterranean feel there is always rod iron, just keep it simple!
 Visit my Facebook Page for more tips: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DesignSense/231561176902564
or contact me for a personal consultation: andrea.halleywright@gmail.com

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