Sunday, January 8, 2012

New concept of Czech Savings Bank

A1 Architects really comprised of some ideas which are outstanding and modest lead by genius people. Since the year 2003 this company has been producing its work and with the passage of time their work developed too much in the form of a work shop and a well established studio. A1 architect is actually a team work followed by two well known Architects and designers from Prague. This company is under their influence since 2006. The theme of A1 architects is the deviation from the old and boring conventional styles of architecture and design. They always seek for unique boundaries and modest approach. Utilization of daily life products and recycling is the basic idea behind their every challenge. Located at Hradec Kralove by the efforts of Atelier Simona for the client Ceska Sporitelna this CZECH saving bank was built and just completed in 2011. This is the latest project by A1 Architects who designed the bank in an extremely unique and different way. .

modern bank design

A multiple stored building enjoying many multimedia sources in the corridors and high ceilings are marking its spacious look. The broad stairs case with glossy finish is applying a gentle look to the architecture. The most entertaining thing about the bank can be seen in the discussion room with an oval table in the centre, this room is focused by its different design and color scheme. The transparent glass doors reveal a white interior with decorated wall on which we can see daily life products in black color which are placed on the wall just to give a casual and appealing look. The whole interior of the bank is illuminated by gentle and continues lighting which is embedded under and above all the wall joints to the floor as well as ceilings. In a nut shell it is a worth seeing place and an environment friendly enough for people to work for long hours.

bank architecture

office design

bank interior design

modern designs

spectacular bank design

classical bank design

contemporary bank design

contemporary design

bank design

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